5 Signs You Should See an Osteopathic Practitioner for Your Baby

Seeing an osteopathic practitioner for your baby can be beneficial in certain situations. Here are five signs that indicate it might be a good idea:

  1. Persistent Discomfort or Pain: If your baby seems consistently uncomfortable or in pain, especially if it's related to issues like feeding difficulties, sleeping problems, or excessive crying, it could be due to musculoskeletal issues that an osteopathic practitioner may be able to address.

  2. Restricted Movement: Noticeable limitations in your baby's ability to move certain body parts or a preference for positioning their head to one side could indicate musculoskeletal issues that also an osteopathic practitioner can assess and potentially treat.

  3. Birth Trauma: Babies may experience birth trauma, particularly if the delivery was difficult or involved interventions like forceps or vacuum extraction. Osteopathic treatment can help alleviate any resulting strains or tensions in the baby's body.

  4. Recurrent Ear Infections or Digestive Issues: Some babies may suffer from recurrent ear infections or digestive issues like reflux, which can sometimes be linked to musculoskeletal issues affecting the function of the ear or digestive system. Osteopathic treatment may help address these underlying issues.

  5. Developmental Delays or Asymmetries: If you notice any delays in your baby's developmental milestones or asymmetries in their physical appearance (such as a flat spot on the head or uneven shoulder height), it could be indicative of musculoskeletal issues that could benefit from osteopathic assessment and treatment.

Remember, it's always important to consult with your pediatrician first to rule out any serious medical conditions before seeking complementary therapies like osteopathy for your baby.

If you would like to book for a consult with a Pediatric Osteopathic Practitioner, you can book with Matthew Hoogveld on our online booking system here.

With love,

The Core Potentials Team