Different Modes of Sensing - Part 4: Clairsentience

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Before you learn all about Clairsentience, we wanted to let you know about our upcoming
Remote Viewing Level 1 Course, March 23-27th, 2022.


12 Ways To Know If This Is One Of Your Means of Sensing.

Clairsentience is “Clear feeling”.  It’s the ability to perceive, sense or feel things via emotions, gut feelings and or physical sensations.  Clairsentient people can be human emotion detectors! They can intuitively feel and sense through different kinds of physical or emotional stimuli from other people or from the environment around them.  They can also literally “feel” the subtle energy of a location, a person or an object. It might register as a gut intuition or a physical sensation like a pressure, or a stomach twinge, goosebumps, heart flutterings, tingles, static, hot or cool temperatures, tickles or sweaty palms.  Many clairsentience might even feel the physical pain in their own body that is mirroring what someone else is experiencing. They might also have an empathic response to how someone around them is emotionally feeling, where they are suddenly washed over with an unexplained feeling of sadness, anxiousness or a sense of foreboding.  It’s a type of Kinaesthetic intuition. 

  1. You are able to instantly form an impression about someone you just met. 

Clairsentients get strong initial impressions about people that almost always prove to be spot on.  

I can’t say I’ve always been so astute about this.  We all inherit quirks from our conditioning growing up that may overrule our innate senses. This typically draws people to us who play into the beliefs, some true and some not so true, that we may have amassed about ourselves.  Thankfully, over the years, my body has spoken up loudly enough that I’ve learned to recognize when I just don’t feel at ease when I’m around people who are not good for me.  

If you feel like you are walking on eggshells when your around someone then you are probably not energetically well-matched.  

2. You are very sensitive to your feelings. 

Clairsentients are deeply emotional creatures who live and breathe through feeling. I get strong reactions to negative emotions. It rattles my body where I begin to feel very electric, ungrounded and reactive.  This adversely can send me into a spin of over thinking about things that typically wouldn’t bother people who are less sensitive. I was always teased and discredited, when I was young, about being too ‘over-sensitive’.  My husband, “Mr. poker face” businessman, likes to tell everyone that I wear my heart on my sleeve claiming it’s my Achilles' heel for being taken advantage of.  It hard to listen to babies cry or dogs whimper so I can get wrapped around their little fingers and paws pretty easily.

My mood seems to fluctuate depending on who I’ve talked to, or who I’m surrounded by. I’ve had to put a lot of effort into learning to create good boundaries and removing myself from gossip and drama.  Having this type of heightened sensitivity to emotions has taught me to take my relationships with other people very seriously.  I am very selective about who I spend time with. I like to surround myself with like-minded people I can trust. 

Try to discern if you are affected by others by paying attention to changes in atmosphere and energy levels when you come into contact with other people. Does your mood lift or sink? Do you experience physical sensations? Do seemingly random thoughts about the other person occur to you?

3. You sense emotions and seem to be able to intuit information from them.

Clairsentience can easily read people. 

When I walk into a room I can quickly tell if people are relaxed and enjoying themselves, or if there’s tension hanging in the air. I can sense when two people have been arguing, are angry with each other or when there’s something going on between them.  Sometimes I may even feel their pain or feelings of glee within my own body.  I swear I can literally feel my husband’s nose grow when he not being straightforward with me.  Thankfully over the years of being married he’s learned and resigned himself to the fact that he can’t get away with this very easily with me. 

4. You make emotional connections with certain people.


Clairsentients are naturally great at understanding human behaviour. They are able to easily relate to where others are and understand their perspective and where they’re coming from.  They easily relate to children, animals and old people.  They can instantly understand why someone acts the way that they do. They will always have your best interests at heart because they can sense what you are feeling.  

5. You have an extraordinary ability to empathize

If you find yourself avoiding the news and reading the newspaper, it’s a classic sign that clairsentience is one of your stronger sensing abilities. You can feel the terror of the people who’ve lost everything in a tragedy or feel the anxiety of those impacted by unfortunate circumstances.  Your mood seems to fluctuate depending on who you’ve talked to, or who you’re surrounded by.  

Have you ever felt the hunger pains of a homeless person, or the dull ache of someone you’re visiting in the hospital?  Have you ever thought of someone in your life and gotten the sense you could feel what they were feeling?  Clairsentients are empathic to the suffering of other people to the extent that their emotional and even physical pain affects them deeply. They can even put themselves in the mindset of people whom they disagree with strongly, or who have hurt them in the past.  In this attribute, I have found true healing, compassion and the ability to forgive.

6. Places and people that emanate ‘dark’ energy cause you to feel nauseous, dizzy or deeply uncomfortable.

You are clairsentient if you walk into a place which is supposedly haunted, and you get uncomfortable and strange sensations.  You may have the feeling that you are not alone, that you are being watched.

When I was traveling and worked in Europe as a young 18-year-old I had many experiences like this when I worked in Leysin, Switzerland.  In the 1890’s several sanatorium Tuberculosis clinics were built in this alpine village for the world's elite families.  The famous Grand hotel, now the American College of Switzerland, still had a morgue deep in its basement, when I worked there.  It would be safe to guess that many of the patients that went there back in the day did not survive. This picturesque village had a history of visitors experiencing ghostly experiences.  I didn’t know this when I first arrived yet on numerous occasions, when I was alone in one of the areas of these white institutional buildings, I felt the hair stand on the back of my neck feeling as though I was not alone.  

A more dramatic experience was when I went to tour the Dachau concentration camp when traveling in Germany.  As the bus, I was on, drove up to the front gates, I got this piercing pain in my head. My stomach began to feel extremely nauseous and I felt smacked by this heavy dark foreboding fearful energy.  Not recognizing that I was “feeling” the negative energy imprinting of this place I carried on determined to tour the facility. As I walked through this horrific site and witnessed the places where all these sickening gruesome barbarisms of innocent people had gone on, I felt like my head was going to explode in pain.  I couldn’t finish the tour and it took 2 days to shake off the migraine and stomach ache that ensued.  

Traveling again many years later with my husband I again had a similar uneasy uncomfortable feeling when I was persuaded to go into one of the “Torture Museums” in Tuscany, Italy.  I was reminded quickly what that familiar nauseous feeling in the stomach and pain in the head was like being around artifacts of cruelties and negativity. It just doesn’t “feel” good!

7. You are fascinated by things that are ancient or historical. 

When you visit places that have been inhabited for many years, you find yourself captivated, because you’re feeling the layers and layers of energy that has been embedded there.  

My favourite type of travel has been going to historical sites around the world.  Some of my most mind-boggling sensorial experiences have been wandering through the striking halls of the Vatican in Italy or Catherine’s Palace -“The Hermitage” in Russia.  I could feel the lavish extravagance from the pampered rulers of those days. Climbing the Pyramids in Chichen Itza, Mexico & visiting the famous ball court. I could feel the proud fatalist fearful hearts of those that stoically won the games but lost their lives.  Gazing into the expansive nearby cenotes, where the frightened maiden virgins would be sacrificed as an offering to the gods. Exploring the ancient sites of Peru and in particular the settlement of Machu Picchu I could feel the reverence and hyper intelligence of the people that once inhabited these mystical places.  I can’t help sinking into a time warp of sensorial imagination when entering these richly energetically entrenched historic sites.  

8. You are sensitive to the energy in a space

Clairsentience tend to hate clutter and are likely to keep their environments physically and energetically clean.  

My children all think I’m a bit obsessive when it comes to keeping my house tidy, but I seriously find my house uncomfortable when it’s a mess.  I can’t work at my office desk if it is not organized and clean before I start. Clutter just makes me feel anxious. I like to put things away in a certain way and when it’s not how I left it I get thrown for a loop. Second hand stores, garage sales, vintage shops all feel heavy, stuffy and energetically tiring.  Going to gem shows make me buzz and can exhaust me if they are in an ungrounded space. Cement or earthen floors tend to help not make me have such a frenetic feeling. Our energy transfers to the things we own — and the more we use/wear/treasure the object, the more energy there is.  

9. You pick up on mental energy 


If intense, scary or sad movies and TV leave you wondering if it’s time to invest in Kleenex stock or Anti-Anxiety medication, it’s a sign you might be clairsentient.  

Watching violent, scary, or negative movies just gives me severe heart palpitations. I’m able to feel the emotions the characters are portraying and prefer the giddy feelings of a romantic comedy to the dread of a horror thriller.    


10. You experience physical signs in your body. When you remove yourself from the source, it tends to stop.

Your ‘knowing’ sometimes manifests as a physical sensation.

Becoming an Energy Medicine practitioner has now raised this particular sensing ability for me even more.  When I’m working on a client my body has become like a human barometer or tuning fork to my client’s energy imbalances. I will literally get sensations in my own body mirroring where the energy might be stuck or blocked.  I might feel a tingle in one of my toes or fingers, which are one of the body’s meridian beginning or end points. I become extremely hot, with sweat pouring down my back when I’m holding strengthening or sedating acupressure points, which lets me know that their blocked energy is beginning to move. I might start to cough if I’m working on one of their Lung or Large Intestine points letting me know that they may be holding onto or letting go of sadness or grief.  When I use my hands to clear a chakra or scan their auras, I will get sensations of static, wobbles, shaking, thickness, cool, or hot that I’m beginning to identify, through repetitive experience, all mean certain things.

When the client leaves, I clear the room of their energy and the body sensations I was having with them subside. 

11. You might feel overwhelmed by crowds and noise.

Sometimes the constant bombardment of external energy drains and exhausts those who are Clairsentient sensitive. 

My husband loves to listen to music if he’s cooking in the kitchen or driving in the car.  I on the other hand find it to be almost grating. If the music is soothing and gentle it’s not so bad but wild rock head banging music, it is just jarring to my nervous system.  

I love going to big festive gatherings, weddings, concerts and big parties but I tend to be the one that wants to leave first because I get exhausted from all the people I have been interacting with.  Leftover energy is tangible to a clairsentient (which can make crowded places oh-so-draining). 

12. You are someone who needs quiet time to recharge


Quiet time spent alone helps to restore, refresh and revitalize the overstimulated Clairsentient. If you’ve picked up unwanted energy, it’s essential to take some alone time to centre yourself.  It’s sometimes important to just feel your own energy without anyone else around. You are being your own best friend by decreasing external stimulation as a way to nurture yourself. It makes easier to clear negativity. 

Quieting your mind will only increase your awareness and make you become familiar with your natural responses and feelings.  


Ways to Heighten Your Awareness of Physical Feelings

Your Clairsentient guidance will expand if you practice increasing your sensitivity to physical feelings. Try some of these body awareness exercises below.

Focus on your feet. 

How do they feel? Are they comfortable? What is immediately next to the skin on your feet? Socks, shoes, the floor? How does that feel against your feet?  If standing how comfortable is the surface, you are standing on?  

Focus on your head.

Concentrate on your jaw, mouth, and tongue. 

Notice whether your mouth is open or shut. Are any muscles in your jaw tense? How about the other facial muscles? 

Focus on your body.

Notice any tension around your head, shoulders, arms, hands, back, bottom, legs, arms, and feet. Take turns tensing different muscles, then letting them relax by making them go limp. Notice how your clothing feels against your skin. What is comfortable and what feels uncomfortable?  As you breathe deeply, notice any feelings in your body. Did you feel a tightening anywhere? Have a mental conversation with that part of your body that tightened or tingled asking for what it is telling you. Also notice the emotions that came up in answer to your question.  Did you feel a heaviness, a coldness, or dread? Did you sense joy?  Feel its intended meaning.  Observation and awareness are the natural place to begin.

Focus on different objects.

Pick up any soft-edged object near you, such as a spoon, napkin, or piece of clothing. Close your eyes and slowly run the object across the skin of your hands, your arms, and the inside of your wrist. Focus your attention on the sensations. Try rubbing the object on one area of your arm and compare the sensation to the feeling when you tap the item against your arm. Experiment with different objects, and textures with different pressures and motions. 

The objective of this exercise is to increase your knowledge of bodily feelings. The more you practice increasing your sensitivity and awareness, the easier it will be for you to begin noticing when you are getting clairsentient guidance.  

Do this practice by keeping a journal, so you can learn to decipher and interpret your subtle senses and feelings.  My sense feeling is different than yours and we all have to create our own glossary for ourselves.  

Learn to listen to your body, and to your heart so you can trust your gut to make choices you feel good about.



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March 23th to 27th, 2022

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