Approach Holiday Meals with Intention

The world begins at the kitchen table.  No matter what, we must eat to live…The gifts of earth are brought and prepared, set on the table.  So it has been since creation, and it will go on…It is here that children are given instructions on what it means to be human.”

~ Joy Harjo (Mvskoke Creek), from The Women Who Fell from the Sky

The kitchen table is not just a physical space but a symbolic centrepiece for our relationship with food. Approaching our holiday meals with intention and mindfulness, recognizing that what happens at the “table” goes beyond mere consumption— is an opportunity to reconnect with our community, roots, traditions, and the essence of what it means to nourish ourselves.

In the spirit of the words of Joy Harjo, let’s explore how


The stories we tell ourselves about food can significantly influence our relationship with it. This year, challenge negative narratives and guilt associated with holiday indulgences. Instead, view food as a source of joy, connection, and celebration.

Acknowledge the cultural and emotional significance of indulgences, allowing yourself to enjoy them without judgement. By focusing on a positive food narrative, you can create a healthier and more balanced relationship with the act of eating.

Practice Gratitude for Nourishing Your Body

Instead of fixating on calorie counts or restrictive thoughts; focus on the positive aspects of the food on your plate. Express gratitude for the abundance of flavours, the effort that went into preparing the meal, and the nourishment these foods provide to support your well-being. 

Embrace Mindful Indulgence

Instead of approaching festive treats with guilt; savour each bite consciously. Allow yourself to fully experience the flavours, textures, and aromas of your favourite holiday dishes. You will not only heighten the enjoyment of your meals but also foster a positive connection with the act of eating. 

Celebrate Culinary Traditions with a Healthy Twist

Explore creative ways to modify ingredients or cooking methods without compromising the essence of the dish. Consider incorporating whole, nutrient-dense ingredients or opting for healthier cooking techniques.


Understanding why we eat goes beyond the simple act of fueling our bodies. We learn about the joys of sharing meals with loved ones, the cultural significance of certain dishes, and the connection between our food choices and the health of our bodies, our spirits, and the planet. The act of eating becomes a holistic experience, intertwining physical nourishment with emotional well-being.

During the holiday season, the abundance of festive treats can be both a delight and a challenge. Here are simple tips to keep in mind as you navigate this month:

  • Seek balance in your meals, incorporating nutrient-dense foods alongside indulgent treats (choose to eat something wholesome before heading out for an event that may have only indulgences).

  • Embrace the joy of sharing these moments with loved ones, reinforcing the emotional and spiritual aspects of nourishment (practice gratitude for this time with others).

  • Appreciate the cultural significance of the dishes before you, recognizing the joy they bring and the traditions they uphold (explore the significance of the food that has been prepared for you - ask questions, be curious).


During our lives, we absorb not only the nutritional value of food, but also the attitudes, beliefs, and emotions surrounding it. Whether it's the comfort of a home-cooked meal or the joy of discovering new flavours, these sentiments shape our attitudes toward food and influence our dietary choices as adults.

Continue to shape these attitudes and beliefs by practicing mindful eating this season. It not only fosters a deeper connection with the nourishment your holiday meals provide, it also promotes better digestion.

This holiday season, follow these tips to practice mindful eating that will help you more strongly connect with your food: 

  • Savour each bite, appreciating the aroma, colours, flavours, textures and sensations of your food. 

  • Chew slowly, allowing the flavours to unfold and your body to register satiety.

  • Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues, allowing your body to guide your choices. 

  • Be present so you can create a space for a deeper connection with your food and cultivate a healthier relationship with the act of eating.


A traditional holiday recipe in my family is one for Italian cookies. Each year my grandmother, then my mother, baked cookies that my brother and I decorated.  Their smell, their taste, and their very presence during the holidays are integral to my family Christmas. Because I am mainly gluten- and dairy-free, I’ve tweaked the recipe, making it my own, while doing my best to maintain the significance of the tradition.  I bake these cookies with my daughters, and while they do not taste exactly the same, this recipe is just as important to their holiday season as it was, and still is, to mine.

Our cultural background significantly influences the foods we encounter. Traditional recipes handed down through generations carry the wisdom of centuries, providing not only sustenance but a profound connection to our roots. Embrace the richness of cultural culinary heritage, recognizing the value it adds to both physical and spiritual well-being. This intentional approach allows you to celebrate heritage while honouring your current journey.  

  • Approach these traditions and signature dishes with intention, recognizing the cultural and familial significance they hold. 

  • Instead of viewing these as mere indulgences, appreciate them as an integral part of your cultural and familial history. 

  • Consider how you can infuse healthier elements into the feast without sacrificing the essence of the tradition.


Recognize that everyone's nutritional needs are unique. Honour individual dietary preferences and restrictions during the holidays. Whether you follow a specific diet, have allergies, or adhere to certain principles, prioritize your well-being, while still participating in the communal joy of shared meals.

Communicate Openly and Honestly

Be upfront about your dietary preferences, restrictions, or any health-related concerns. Informing your hosts or loved ones in advance allows them to accommodate your needs and ensures a more inclusive and enjoyable experience for everyone. 

Explore Creative Alternatives

If you follow a specific diet or have allergies, consider contributing a dish that adheres to your requirements. This not only ensures you have a safe and satisfying option but also introduces others to delicious alternatives. 

Seek a Balanced Approach

When your restrictions allow, be flexible in your choices, finding a middle ground that aligns with your personal health goals without sacrificing the joy of shared meals. Balance is key to navigating holiday gatherings in a way that respects your well-being while embracing the communal spirit of the season.

As you enjoy the holiday gatherings and meals, may the insights from your cultural heritage and thoughtful choices deepen your connection with food and bring lasting joy and gratitude. Cheers to a season marked by warmth, meaningful nourishment, and the joy of shared holiday traditions.

