Is Your Digestive System Stressed?

The season of excess is upon us!  Halloween, U.S. Thanksgiving, and winter holiday festivities compound to create stress on our bodies from a combination of lack of sleep, increased food and drink, and planning events and schedules. While we definitely need to socialize for our mental health and wellbeing, we need to be cognizant that some of our choices can affect our digestive health long term, especially if any of the top stressors below pertain to us. 

So much of our health is determined by the balance of our good to bad bacteria in our bodies.  For most of us, our good gut bacteria are hearty and strong, but like us, they cannot withstand a lack of ongoing support. 

There are 8 main stressors that can determine how your gut will function. The more stressors you have present, the higher risk you have for developing health challenges, especially if you don’t currently have a strong digestive health routine.

Here are the top stressors:

Early Childhood Factors

If a baby is not breastfed or is delivered by caesarian section, then he/she might need to catch up to babies who are breastfed and were delivered vaginally. Some studies suggest they are more at risk for developing infections, and therefore are more likely to be prescribed antibiotics, which can set them back even more. There are strategies that can be employed to counter this, and these strategies have shown babies catching up with no problems. Following these protocols to catch up is not a normal occurrence, so children in these circumstances often do not get the right start. The condition of the mother’s gut during pregnancy is also a factor.


Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria which opens opportunities for yeast to over grow. Interestingly, bad bacteria will recover faster from a round of antibiotics than good bacteria. Studies show that taking probiotics while taking antibiotics, plus an additional two weeks of probiotics, help the good bacteria levels in the body stay at their normal levels. Research also shows that taking probiotics with antibiotics positively affects healing.

Lack of Sleep

Our microbes help us sleep. They interact with our adrenals and help limit the cortisol levels that can prevent us from falling asleep. Our good gut bacteria also help regulate inflammation, and inflammation has been shown to disrupt sleep. We go to bed with one set of microbes and wake up with another. Just one night of poor sleep can alter good gut bacteria levels. Gut bacteria also regulate our circadian rhythms. 


Cortisol is a hormone produced by our adrenals gland. An excess of cortisol can deplete our good gut bacteria levels and increase the bad, in addition to several other health issues. Practice stress management techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing, during stressful times and before eating to help control cortisol.

Processed Refined Foods and Junk Food

Processed “food-like” items do not contain the prebiotic fibre needed to feed our residential bacteria. They also may contain preservatives and additives which do not help, and they lack important vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients which help the gut function. It’s best to refrain from these foods as much as possible - consider filling up with whole foods and drink sufficient water before heading to social events that may have these tempting foods.

Excess or Too Little Exercise

Regular exercise is good for the gut but too much or too little can cause health issues. It can interfere with how the gut functions and lower good bacteria levels. Now is likely not the time to cram exercise into your schedule in order to be ready for your social events. Be kind to your body and mind and keep moderation at the forefront of your exercise plan.

Over Cleanliness

The more our gut bacteria must defend against pathogens, the stronger and more resilient they become. If we do not expose ourselves to elements that are bad for us, our gut bacteria and immune system will weaken. This means that we are more likely to be susceptible to pathogens when we are exposed because our gut bacteria have not been able to learn how to defend us. As a general rule, stay away from bleaches and antibacterial products as they kill both the bad and the good bacteria.

Lack of Diversity in the Diet

To support a variety of species in our gut, we have to consume a variety of foods to feed all the strains of good bacteria and keep the quantity at the right levels. Most of us seldom eat more than 15 different foods per week. For good gut health, we need different varieties of prebiotic foods, which feed our residential bacteria. This includes fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Honourable Mentions

X-rays, airline travel, exposure to radiation, medications such as corticosteroids and chemotherapy drugs, surgeries, and alcohol all can have a negative effect.

As you approach this social season, consider the above stressors, and whether or not you are affected by any of them. Take steps today to improve your digestion by incorporating my Simple Steps to Support your Digestion, or contact your health practitioner, or nutritionist to start the journey to a healthier you. 

