Beyond Dry January: 5 Tips & a Mocktail to Embrace a Low-Alcohol Lifestyle

A few years ago I stopped regularly drinking alcohol.  My dad had completely stopped drinking and initially, I found it easier to abstain during visits with my parents.  I felt much better when I didn’t drink, so I expanded my abstinence to the majority of the time, drinking maybe once a month. When I crave an alcoholic beverage, it’s usually from habit, or because I’m thirsty. I find drinking a sparkling mocktail, or even just carbonated water with lemon juice abates my craving.

Are you on a low-alcohol lifestyle path, and transitioning from Dry January into the rest of the year?  

If so, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on the benefits of reduced alcohol consumption and how we can sustain these healthier choices. Whether your Dry January was about a detox, challenging yourself, or the start of a longer journey toward wellness, extending the practice can have profound effects on your physical health, mental clarity, and overall well-being. I advocate for mindful consumption and believe that every small, positive choice contributes to a larger picture of health. 

Below are five tips to help you continue the momentum of Dry January as well as a simple and delicious mocktail recipe to celebrate your commitment to wellness.

1. Reflect on the Benefits

Take a moment to consider how you've felt during Dry January. Perhaps you've noticed better sleep, more energy, weight loss, or clearer skin. Recognizing these benefits can motivate you to maintain your reduced alcohol intake. Write these observations down and refer back to them whenever you're contemplating a drink.

2. Find Your "Why"

Understanding your reasons for reducing alcohol consumption can serve as a powerful motivator. Whether it's for health reasons, to improve relationships, or to foster personal growth, keeping your "why" at the forefront of your mind will help you stay committed to your choice.

3. Seek Support

Embarking on a journey of reduced alcohol consumption doesn't have to be solitary. Connect with friends who share your goals, join online communities, or participate in local meetups. Surrounding yourself with supportive people can provide encouragement and accountability.

4. Discover New Alternatives

One of the joys of reducing alcohol intake is exploring the vast world of non-alcoholic alternatives. From herbal teas and sparkling waters to non-alcoholic wines and beers, there's a plethora of options to satisfy your taste buds without the alcohol content.

5. Celebrate Your Successes

Every day that you choose not to drink is an achievement worth celebrating. Find healthy ways to reward yourself, whether it's through a new book, a spa day, or a special meal. Positive reinforcement can boost your morale and encourage continued success.

Winter Berry Sparkle Mocktail

This Winter Berry Sparkle Mocktail is a festive, fruity beverage that captures the essence of the winter season. It's perfect for social gatherings, cozy evenings, or any time you want a special, non-alcoholic drink that's both refreshing and seasonally appropriate. With a base of cranberry and pomegranate, accented with a hint of citrus and the sparkle of ginger ale, this mocktail is as beautiful as it is delicious.


  • 1 cup cranberry juice (unsweetened or lightly sweetened, according to preference)

  • 1/2 cup pomegranate juice

  • 1/4 cup orange juice (freshly squeezed is best)

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice (freshly squeezed)

  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup or honey (adjust to taste)

  • Carbonated water or ginger ale, to top off

  • Fresh cranberries and pomegranate arils, for garnish

  • Rosemary sprigs, for garnish

  • Ice cubes


  1. Mix the Juices: In a pitcher, combine the cranberry juice, pomegranate juice, orange juice, and lemon juice. Stir in the maple syrup or honey, adjusting the amount to achieve your desired sweetness.

  2. Chill: Allow the mixture to chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to let the flavours meld together. For a more intense flavour, you can prepare this mixture a day ahead.

  3. Prepare the Glasses: Fill glasses halfway with ice cubes. If desired, you can also add a few fresh cranberries and pomegranate arils to the ice for an extra festive touch.

  4. Assemble the Mocktail: Pour the chilled juice mixture over the ice in each glass, filling about 3/4 of the way full. Top off each glass with carbonated water (or ginger ale), giving a gentle stir to combine.

  5. Garnish: Garnish each glass with a sprig of rosemary and a skewer or spoonful of fresh cranberries and pomegranate arils. The rosemary not only adds a touch of winter greenery but its aroma complements the fruity flavours beautifully.

  6. Serve and Enjoy: Serve immediately and enjoy the sparkling, tangy, and slightly sweet flavours of this delightful winter mocktail.

