Humans Need Connection

“You show your humanity by how you see yourself not as apart from others but from your connection to others.”

~ Desmond Tutu

Human beings have survived as a species by connecting with others. As far back as history has been recorded, humans migrated, hunted, and gathered food, and have thrived being in communities with one another. We are social creatures.  Connection is how love begins, how we make our friends, how we become good parents, how we grow our careers, and how we communicate more effectively.  Connecting with others and building a tribe of encouraging, supportive, loving people is incredibly essential to an awesome life. 

With the rise of technology and being able to connect to millions of people all around the world through the internet and social media one would think we should feel more linked to one another, but the opposite has happened.

Navigating through a world-wide Pandemic has shed a big light on the fact that being quarantined from one another physically, makes us feel glum and lonely. Connecting with others on a physical and emotional level boosts our mood, lowers our stresses, and lifts our spirits.  The challenge is we’ve gone so long without it, that many of us have forgotten why it’s so essential to connect with one another.

The most important things in life are our connections.  Having supportive relationships around us, we feel stronger and nourished.  We feel valued when we are seen and heard and it gives us a sense of belonging, which ultimately improves our self-esteem.   We learn empathy and acceptance and it reinforces our sense of identity. Scientific studies show that having a positive social network makes us healthier, we feel better physically, emotionally, and ultimately live longer.

Connection is not only about being with other people. It’s also about connecting to our earth and nature.  We have a beneficial symbiotic relationship with our natural world.  Living in cities, working in office buildings, living in high-rises surrounded by concrete has unconsciously disconnected us from the earth and its health promoting benefits.  Our modern world has given us “Nature deficit disorder”.  To make things bleaker, we’ve become hooked on all our electronic devices, causing us statistically to go outside less often.  It's long been recognized that humans have a biological need to connect with nature.  Energetically we are hardwired to have a reciprocal relationship with the earth and studies show that doing so reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and anger.  Being outside in natural surroundings enhances our immune systems and improves our cardiovascular and metabolic health.  Our bodies and nervous systems feel better when they are soaking up the ions from the earth, the oxygen and antibacterial compounds from the forests, and vitamin D from the rays of sunshine. Doing this on a regular basis helps to lower our blood pressure and psychological stress.

Connection is the fundamental essence of life.  Looking at it from a quantum perspective we are all made up of the same invisible microcosmic energy that infuses everything in the Universe and ultimately connects us together like a giant web.  Because of this divinely atomic entangled relationship we are capable of tapping into this primal sea of wisdom that is connected to every moment in time and throughout space, our past, present, and our future. When we make the effort to focus and tune ourselves into this cosmic field, we realize it exist within and all around us. It might seem counterintuitive but connecting at this level begins when you start listening.

The universe is constantly talking to us.  It’s always hoping to get our attention.  It is trying to guide us, connect with us. And wake us up.  When you are tuned into how the universe is communicating with you, life becomes a lot less confusing, and you start to feel a lot more united and connected. You feel alive, purposeful, and capable of achieving anything.  It raises you up and keeps you aligned with your passion and purpose for being.  

Spend some time reflecting on what sacred means to you.  Our connection to spirit, the universe, or whatever you prefer to call it, is primarily a felt experience. It speaks to us through our senses.  Adopting a specific kind of mindset is vital when we are searching for guidance and answers. When we have an overly clouded consciousness it tends to keep us feeling disconnected.  It can be hard to find focus, clarity, and direction when we don’t take the time to clear the mind and just become a witness.  When you move into the role of an observer, you can tune into the Universal oneness, and see, hear, feel, and sense the answers, solutions, and guidance that is always available to us. 

The first step in becoming one with the universe is to learn how to listen and understand your own self.  Your best connection with yourself is when you like the person you see in the mirror.  

Looking inward helps you learn to love yourself on a higher level and lets you see that everything is connected:  the earth, nature, animals, people, and more.  It also gives you clear insight into the spiritual world and your purpose here on earth.  

Understanding our connection to the true nature of reality expands possibilities for us and others.  Who or what makes you feel like you belong and gives purpose and meaning in your life?  How can your connections change the world?  We all emanate from the same source and therefore no one thing can change by itself.  Let’s explore, be creative and have some fun in showing us what connection means to you.  

Use #iconnectCRV and post your very own photo on Instagram (tag @corepotentials) or one of Core Potentials Facebook Contest posts that expresses what connection means to you You will become instantly eligible to win a full registration worth $1499CAD in our upcoming Coordinate Remote Viewing class on March 23rd to March 27th, 2022. Post as many times as you can from February 14 - February 28.

We will announce the winner by March 3, 2022!

In this life changing Coordinate Remote Viewing course we explore our connection to others, the past, present and future and our connection to the world and universe we live in. You’ll discover that learning to Remote View teaches you a new way of connecting that unveils who and what you are truly are and capable with.


Make sure to “like” the posts you think really expresses “Connection”, “Connectivity”, and “InterCONNECTEDness.” The most inspirational (and popular!) post will be the winner. If you can’t make the class, join the contest anyway and give your free registration to a friend as a gift!   

“Learn how to see, realize that everything connects to everything else.”
~ Leonardo da Vinci