You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. ~ C.S. Lewis

New beginnings are an integral part of life.  Everyone deserves a fresh new start. It gives us the motivation to reflect on the ways in which we haven’t lived up to our potential. Life is hard and when we take the opportunity to reboot ourselves it can help encourage us along. At the start of a new year, we usually find ourselves eager to do better without anybody having to make us feel guilty first. We can take stock, dream, make wishes and plan new courses of action.  Moving ourselves into an optimistic head space for change can allow new beginnings to bring about endless possibilities!

The energetics of our soul and the new human has changed after our time in quarantine. We saw the world shut down, we were distanced from one another, and we’ve come out of it looking at the world from a different perspective.  We have been forced to see our fragility and many of us now realize that our survival depends on taking better care of ourselves.  The true journey to becoming a healthier individual lies in developing habits that will nourish us physically, mentally, and spiritually.  The old tradition of adopting new habits at the start of a new year can bring about a sense of revitalization. 

A great new beginning would be to start letting go of our inherited attitudes, that were born out of our ancestor’s energy of having lived through the last two world wars.  Enduring their own fears for survival, they have unconsciously trained us to operate in a war like manner.  “Get what you can for yourself and isolate yourself off and protect what you got so no one else can have it.” These competitive and destructive behaviours ultimately divide us. If we continue to align ourselves with these trauma-based convictions we will continue to fan the flames of depression, grief, and sadness.

Our world is evolving rapidly, and the earth is going to another level.  It’s time to have one another’s backs.  We need to let go of some of our egoic and fixed ideas.  We must stop treating others as if we are superior to them in some way if we ever hope to be raised to a higher consciousness.  True happiness has to do with getting rid of those expectations we place on ourselves and others. Stop blaming others for not understanding you and for what you see around you.  Judgement, blame, anger, and reactivity are from lower human emotional energy fields and all these more primitive survival-based feelings need to be healed. When we are divided, we fall.  Our power lies in our connectedness, and reidentifying ourselves as a higher level being.  Collaboration is what will allow us to evolve.

People want to be happy. It is happiness that is the drive and purpose of one’s life. Heart energy elevates the darkness.  If we make kindness, joy and loving one another a priority, we raise ourselves into a vibration that can elevate our psychological and physical well-being. Start looking at yourself.  Are you aware and conscious enough to be generating oneness, compassion, wisdom, and love?

Happiness is the new rich.

Inner peace is the new success.

Health is the new wealth.

Kindness is the new cool.

~ Syed Balkhi

It’s your responsibility to keep your emotional energy fields clear and to recognize when you are dancing in the realm of lower energies.  It’s your job to release the negative frequency so you can magnetize yourself towards higher vibrations and open yourself up to more balance, calm and peace.  Working on your own consciousness is vital.  Start to think about how you can live in a higher vibration and how you can permeate, uplift, and give this to others. When you align yourself with joy and happiness, and surround yourself with loving people who take care of themselves you put yourself into a higher frequency and a more positive mindset.  By altering your perception, you are opening yourself up to new dimensions that can anchor a new possibility into your field!


Contemplate where you’d like to be and who you’d like to become in 2023. Try thinking of just one word to describe a new beginning for yourself. 

Bravery                       Enrich                          Love                            Soul                                        

Challenge                    Fierce                          Motivate                     Strength                                 

Commit                       Grace                          Passionate                   Supernatural                          

Courageous                 Honour                        Perseverance               Tenacity                                 

Determined                 Imagine                       Pleasure                      Thriving                                  

Discover                      Impactful                    Purpose                       Transform                  

Dream                         Innovation                   Radiance                     Unique                       

Driven                         Inspire                         Renew                        Unstoppable                          

Elevated                      Intention                     Sensational                 Value              

Empower                     Jubilant                       Soaring                       Visionary

Now close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly. While you do this, place your mental attention on your heart, and imagine that your word is part of the breath that is going into your heart during your inhale, and out of your heart on the exhale. Make your 2023 new beginning promise to uplift yourself. If you are uplifted you will uplift others. My wish for all of you is to have a very Happy New Year!

Love Becca