Different Modes of Sensing - Part 5: Clair Empathy

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Clair Empathy

Our intuition develops when we are babies, long before we are indoctrinated into Newtonian physics – which largely prohibits us from understanding the quantum world. Ironically, one of our first intellectual abilities – intuition – may be one of the greatest forms of intelligence we will ever experience in a “grown-up” world.

~ Christina Sarich ~

The basic definition of Clair empathy means “clear emotional feeling.”  It’s having a supernatural awareness of emotional energy.  Clair empaths are extremely sensitive to the energetic vibrations of the emotions, attitudes, or physical ailments of people, places, animals, or objects.  They can literally feel what others feel and experience the symptoms as if they were their own. It’s like a process of energy transfer between persons, places, or objects.  It’s an extrasensory form of empathy.

Empathy by itself is the ability to pick up on other people’s state of mind by using sensory cues such as reading their body language or recognizing an emotional tone in their voice. 

Clair empathy incorporates this empathic skill in combination with Clairsentience. ‘Sentience’ refers to awareness of a sensation or a feeling. It doesn’t involve rational thinking, logic, deduction, or reason. Instead it’s a spontaneous energetic perception. It’s experienced as a tactile, physical sensation, or an emotional feeling. Clair empaths feel the physical sensations in their bodies and the emotions in their mind.


8 Signs you are a Clair Empath

1. Having a tendency to experience emotions or physical symptoms that don’t belong to you.

Have you ever felt like someone’s feelings have rubbed off on you?  Someone else’s excitement or frustration can have a vibratory frenetic energy that can feel penetrating to a Clair empath. They can feel bombarded by the huge amount of noise and contrasting emotions in places that are overcrowded with people. It can lead to a feeling of sensory overload within themselves.  Clair empaths are hypersensitive receivers of all types of electromagnetic and subtle energy stimuli.  If this describes you, then being characterized as an overly sensitive or moody person could now take on a new meaning for you. 

I suspected I had a heightened sensitivity when I was young, but it was explained to me in an unsupportive manner by being told that “I was just too sensitive or emotional.”  This sadly disempowered me and led me to falsely believe that I must be flawed in some way. It’s not uncommon for Clair empaths to feel like they are the only ones in the world who are cursed with feeling all they feel.   

It’s taken me a lifetime to learn about my natural inborn Clair senses and now I embrace these rarer aspects of mine as gifts.  I educated myself on how to successfully manage my ultra-sensitive side, to help shield myself from the kinesthetic overload I can experience when dealing with other people’s emotional and physical energies. 

I now understand the human energy systems and make a habit of creating healthy energetic boundaries for myself. It has taken a lot of self-awareness development, and learning to constantly check in with my internal landscape, to recognize what it feels like to be grounded versus scattered and overwhelmed.  I make a point of clearing inharmonious energies from my biofield and maintain a daily energy routine that replenishes and restores my energy system to its potent vibrancy.  

It has been an essential part of becoming a skilled Energy Medicine practitioner. I now embrace this superpower of mine and utilize it as a trustworthy lens when working with my clients.  It has made me exceptional at what I do.

2. Feeling the negative emotions of others can be overwhelming

It’s also not uncommon for untrained Clair empaths to become introverts and hermits to avoid the confusing and overwhelming emotions of others.  You become natural protectionists – building emotional walls to isolate yourself from the incoming negative, hostile, unhealthy, needy energies of others.  

Clair empaths find it difficult and exhausting to be around others in stressful situations.  When not skilled at managing these super sensory gifts, you can become frazzled and unable to cope with the flood of incoming emotions from your environment.  Having a disharmonious home life or work environment, viewing unsettling TV, news or movies, dealing with tense drivers and road rage or being in an overly excited large group of people are all conditions that can overwhelm us. 

Growing up in a home where hot tempers and emotional atmospheres were more common than not, helped me to develop my intuitive empathy. It was difficult for me to be around people who were angry, in conflict, and have raised voices. It literally made me feel anxious and nauseous. I can feel the boiling tensions radiating from others as if there was this dense prickly uncomfortable feeling in the air.  I get heart palpitations in my chest or feel tight uneasy butterfly sensation in my stomach, or constrictions in my throat. I might start to feel shoulder tension or a pain in my neck or get this caustic taste in my mouth. It sometimes can go as far as making my skin crawl.  

I strategized at a very young age to be more of a people pleaser in most of my young life relationships, as many Clair empaths often do, to avoid the uneasy feelings that I would get when confronted with energies of conflict. I much prefer a calmer, more peaceful environment and was willing to sacrifice my own point of view to avoid any type of fighting. 

It’s not uncommon for untrained Clair empaths to be targeted by emotionally insensitive narcissists, bullies and abusers.  It seemed that when I was in this situation, no matter what I did, it was a lose-lose for me. If I stood up for myself, I would get overwhelmed by the negative reactions these types of people would throw at me and if I succumbed to doing what they wanted of me I ended up not feeling very good about myself.   This would often leave me feeling mistreated and hurt.  

I learned the hard way that creating boundaries makes others uncomfortable but is a necessity for me to keep from feeling overwhelmed.


3. Have an intense awareness of the emotional states and physical well-being of those around you. 

Clair empaths are highly intuitive people and just know things, without knowing how they know it.  If someone around them has had a challenging past, they are able to pick up on it. They feel the energetic emotional habit patterns that have formed, that blanket themselves within that person’s energy field. Sometimes when you walk past a person or even look into their eyes you receive information about them.  If someone is excited or happy about something the Clair empath will feel their hope and enthusiasm. If someone is in love, they will feel their passion and affection.  This can feel awkward and unnerving if it’s something personal or embarrassing.  

Until you learn to control your ability of being naturally sensitive to other people’s emotions it can overrule your own emotions. I have sat at a funeral of a person I didn’t even know and felt my chest constrict, my throat tighten, trying to hold back the tears welling up inside me because I’m feeling the emotions of the person who is choking up giving the speech about their dearly departed.  I’ve been teased many times by my husband who calls me “sappy” when we are watching something sad and emotional. Watching “PS,I love You” was just one big long sob fest for me.   

4. You can read emotional energy from objects belonging to someone, as well as spaces that have had emotional history.

Clair empaths are more open to the energetic residue that can be left on an object or in a space.  Things made of metal, such as jewelry, are magnets for the emotional energies from their owners. Spaces that have had celebrations or calamities, where great emotion has been felt by others will leave a particular signature of energy that can be noticed. The feeling of reverence one gets when walking into a historical church is palpable.  

This makes the space I live in very important to me.  Having any type of negative energy in it doesn’t work for me as I can be obsessive about having organization in my life.  Messy spaces “feel” energetically dirty and mess with my head. I have enough sensations and emotions to muddle through without cluttering my mind further.  

I’ve always preferred to live in an area with a lower population as the hustle and bustle of city life is too chaotic. Being outdoors and in nature feels great and helps clear my mind. Animals, plants, trees, water, wind, the sun, and the moon all have a feeling of peace and joy.

5. You have the ability to be a human polygraph. 

It’s common for Clair empaths to experience amplified reactions to smells, sounds, touch, light, and tastes. More importantly, you can sense how these things make someone feel. 

I continued to unknowingly hone my Clair empath skills in my 20’s when I was studying to become an Interior Designer.  I was taught to pay close attention to my surroundings and my client’s preferences so I could create something that appealed to what they would love.  Observing every detail of a person, the way they smile, their clothing, their scent, how they’ve done their hair is a skill that provides an uncanny insight into who a person is.  I was trained to be a detective, something many Clair empaths are naturally. They notice and observe everything even without realizing it.   

Annoyingly to my husband, I usually am able to detect when someone is lying. Knowing that I’m “sensitive” he professes he is trying to protect me from the perils of his work or bad habits and is always trying to sneak one by me. You’d think that after 30 years of being married to a “Clair empath” he’d have learned that this is almost impossible. Having a built-in radar system into how a person is feeling and knowing how they communicate makes spotting when they are lying very obvious to me.  I feel it in my gut. Even well-meaning white lies or lies of omission will cause a sense of unease in me. No matter how much someone tries to hide their feelings, I notice things about that person and just instantly know something is up.  


6. You can experience other people’s psychological, physical and other medical ailments and symptoms.

Have you ever heard someone say, “I know how you feel?” If a Clair empath says this to you, they actually mean it. You are usually a lot more understanding and compassionate than most individuals, particularly if you are older, because you most likely have dealt with similar feelings at some point in your life. You can also sense a person’s genuine intentions, which makes you more supportive and caring than others. Having this type of sensitivity can cause you to take on the weight of the world when terrible things happen. For untrained Clair empaths doctor’s offices and hospitals can send your senses into overdrive as you pick up on the fear and discomfort of the people surrounding them.

Mirror-touch synesthesia and pain synesthesia are versions of this phenomenon which causes the synesthete to feel a similar sensation in the same part of their body as another person. Scientific studies have not only provided clear evidence for the existence of this type of synesthesia but have also shown that it correlates with extraordinary or heightened empathic ability.

In becoming a trained Energy Medicine practitioner, I’ve purposely utilized this heightened extra-sensory perception of people’s emotions, mood states, subconscious motivations, and physical or medical symptoms to help direct me on how to help balance their energy systems.  I have become so sensitive when working with clients that I notice the tickling or prickling sensations on my own body at precise acupoints on a meridian that tells me what is blocked or needs moving energetically..

7. You have a natural ability to heal others. 

Clair empaths make excellent doctors, natural healers, alternative medicine providers, emergency service workers such as ambulance personnel, first responders and firefighters. In the areas of their expertise, they will act on what they know intuitively.  You consciously recognize the incoming physical sensations you get as an early warning signal and will be motivated to do anything you can to remedy it for another person. 

People and animals naturally gravitate towards Clair empaths to seek out advice, assistance or sympathy as you tend to be very compassionate and non-judgemental. You enjoy the feeling of thankfulness of an individual when they are being helped. 

Being trained to successfully manage my own stress energies in a stressful situation will positively and unconsciously reduce the stress environment for everyone around me. It’s good to recognize that we all respond to the emotional states of others to some degree. 

8. You have an overdeveloped sense of social responsibility.

Clair empaths often feel a great need to be in service to others, to heal the suffering of mankind and to make the world a better place. You are often shocked by the cruelty or heartlessness of humanity. 

You are always cheering for the person who is struggling. You can’t help but give your attention to people who are suffering, in emotional pain or being bullied. It makes you feel responsible for the well-being of those around you. This leads you to wanting to heal others or at least try to make their world better in some way.

By feeling the emotions of the group as a whole you work hard to make sure that everybody is getting their desired emotional needs met. When you do this successfully, you become the one the people in the group want to follow.  This can make you a natural leader.


On the flip side you can be more apt to be neglectful of taking care of your own needs. You often say yes and don’t think of yourself, putting the needs of others first.  Trained Clair empaths learn the vital importance of self-care. 

“Put your own oxygen mask on first before you help others” is now my mantra.  Fill your cup first and only give from your overflow.  


19 Types of Empaths

You might be a combination of several of these – I know I am ☺

Emotional Empath

By definition all Empaths can physically and emotionally feel the emotions from other people before they are even expressed. Emotional empaths typically have natural therapist qualities as they are skilled at defining emotions.

Medical Empath

Medical empaths feel the stress, aches and sensations that another person is experiencing. This often manifests itself in the Empath’s own body at a lesser degree and can be an especially useful skill in healing.

 Animal Empath

This type of Empath has a deep mutual connection with most animals.  They can hear, feel and interact with animals. They understand the feelings and needs of animals and can positively influence an animal’s behaviour. 

 Intellectual Empath

Intellectual Empaths understand how the mind works and can easily grasp someone else’s perspective. They love to learn and continue to study a variety of subjects throughout their lives. 

Nature Empath

Nature Empaths view themselves and the earth as one being. During natural disasters, they often experience strong negative emotions. They also show a strong connection to plants and know what flora needs to survive. They hear the messages of plants, which allows them to be highly skilled gardeners.

 Flora Empath

This type of Empath can communicate directly with plants or trees, being able to receive physical and emotional signals.  Some can hear them speak and learn the history of what they’ve witnessed.

Precognitive Empath

Precognitive Empaths experience visions or déjà vu about future events. They might experience these as a premonition, feelings, or as a vivid dream. 

 Environmental Empath

Environmental Empaths feel the energy left in a specific place. They can walk into a room and know that a major argument just took place there. Certain places can trigger strong emotions which can draw them to a location or make them feel a strong urgency to leave it. 

 Geomantic Empath 

The Geomantic Empath can read the energy and signals transmitted by the earth.  Many are able to feel and predict natural disasters before they occur.

Spiritual Empath

Spiritual Empaths understand deeply the relationship other people have to a higher power.

Claircognizant Empath

Claircognizant Empaths can tap into the feelings and thoughts of people around them.  They can sense a person’s actual intentions, regardless of what that person is saying. Often this type of Empath will just “know” when something is right to do, or not, or when someone is lying or hiding something.

 Medium Empaths

Medium Empaths can connect with deceased spirits by either hearing, feeling or seeing them. 

 Psychometric Empath

Psychometric Empaths have the ability to receive information, energy and impressions from physical inanimate objects such as: photographs, clothing, jewellery, photographs, keepsakes, utensils, etc.

 Crystal Empath

Crystal Empaths feel a powerful connection to crystals and use these for information, inspiration, and spiritual exploration

Telepathic Empath

Telepathic Empaths are often considered “mind readers” as they can experience another person’s unexpressed thoughts.

 Mechanical Empath

A mechanical Empath innately understands machines. They can sense what is necessary to fix a machine, even without technical knowledge.

 Astral Empath

These Empaths can directly interact with astral (other dimensional) beings, including fairies, angels, or ETs.

Law Enforcement Empath

Law Enforcement Empaths share the special ability to solve crimes and find missing persons.

Molecular Empath

Molecular Empaths experience others at the molecular level, which gives them a deep understanding of a person’s essence. This ability is helpful for healing and teaching.

Love, Becca

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