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Our Root Chakra is the home of our visceral drives: eat, drink, acquire, stay safe, protect family, and preserve our lineage/tribe. It is the place where your tribal instincts reside and where you derive your sense of identity with all of humanity and nature.
This chakra sits at the base of our spine and governs our hips, legs, feet, bones, immune system and our adrenal glands (those little glands that sit on top of our kidneys that produce adrenaline/cortisol - our fight or flight hormones).

It is our earth connection, our feeling that the earth is a safe place.

I would say this energy center, in our bodies energy system, is a little out of whack right now!

I've been feeling lots of frenetic fearful energy going on in this powerful chakra center when doing energy medicine sessions on my family that live in my home.

Being such a Clair Empath I am making it a morning and evening ritual to make sure I'm clearing out the "crazy of the world" and calling in the "security and safety" from the higher consciousness field.


1. Develop a harmonious relationship with your environment

How you feel in your immediate surroundings can help you feel safe and secure in the world.   Make your home/cave feel supportive and comforting.  Clean out the cobwebs, freshen the bedding, puff up the pillows, and love your home.

2. Connecting to the earth

Go outside and walk barefoot on the earth in your yard.  Plant some seeds, tend to your garden, and sink your hands into some soil.  If you only have a patio start those deck planters.  Just going outside and being with nature, sitting up against a tree or just breathing in forest scents.  Fir, Balsam, Pine – Ahhhhh!  Imagine yourself planted into the earth.  Visualize having and energetic root or cord running down through your body, planting itself into the RED core of the earth.   

3. Get physical

It’s all about our physical presence and the feeling of aliveness in our bodies. Physical activity, no matter big or small, supports root chakra balancing. Any movement involving your feet and legs will be particularly helpful.  Get on the tread mill or bike, do some yoga, or just put on some music with a beat and thump your feet to your favourite song.


4. Learn self-reliance

Reinforce your belief that you’re OK in this world. We must be grateful that we are doing our part for our global community by becoming self-reliant.  We are all resourceful and capable of managing our own basic needs.

5. Discovering your true needs

We’ve been given time for our own personal reflection.  Life can swallow us up into a hectic pace, where we lose ourselves in the wants and needs of others. We’ve been given time imagine and create possibilities towards a new better life. 

6. Going from a psychology of scarcity to personal abundance

Feelings of lack and scarcity tends to self-perpetuate and reinforce limiting beliefs about your chances of success. You are fully capable of being able to provide for yourself and meet your basic needs easily.  Focus on non-material abundance.  Manifest balance & resourcefulness.