Balance and Heal Your Chakras with Food

Chakra literally means “wheel of light” in Sanskrit and refers to our body’s energy centres.  They are whirlpools of energy that bathe the organs, muscles bones and tissues in the areas of where they are located.  Their purpose is to both remove excess or stagnant energy and to provide fresh clear energy.  They have physiological and psychological associations as well as spiritual themes. They are comprised of seven complex layers that hold information about our past experiences and how we have processed them.  Each chakra vibrates at a particular frequency reflecting that level of consciousness while impacting specific biological processes. Colours are the physical manifestations of energy frequencies, and it has been theorized our chakras align with the light spectrum, with red being the densest and violet and white being much lighter.  Even though hues, shades and even the exact colour listed below might vary in your own unique chakra system, traditionally certain colours have been associated with certain chakras.  This is why colours have so much power, and we respond to different colours in different ways.

So how can we use the power of colours to balance our energies? By using as many colours as we can in our daily lives! A healthy, balanced diet consists of eating a variety of foods, and one of the natural ways we absorb colours is through the foods we eat. Eating a rainbow of colours is not only holistically nutritious but it’s also a great way to help keep your chakras aligned. Try adding as many colours to your meals as you can. Even if you don’t think a colour looks good on you, I promise you it’s good inside of you! See what foods and colours go with each of our multifaceted energy centres.



1. Root Chakra.jpg

Our 1st chakra, the Root chakra, is the energy centre that supports our foundation and connects us to the earth.  It is responsible for us feeling grounded, safe and secure. It’s located at the base of the spine and faces downwards so it can easily pull the “yin” energy up from the earth.  It is our base energy source that feeds all the other chakras with earth energies.

Red foods can provide an energetic boost to your Root chakra.  So, if you are feeling run down, fatigued, burnt out, lazy or lethargic, red foods such as strawberries, raspberries, red grapes, cherries, rhubarb, watermelon, cranberries, pomegranates, red peppers, tomatoes, red onions, and red cabbage can all help to boost your energy levels.

When you want to feel more grounded and safer and less anxious and spacey think of root vegetables that grow beneath the ground.  Beets, turnips, rutabagas, radishes, and red potatoes all absorb lots of nutrients from the soil. Try roasting them in salt and olive oil for an easy grounding meal that is delicious.


Think of earthly mineral stews, red meat, and bone broths.  If you are vegetarian or vegan, you could use red beans and lentils to supply your body with a good source of protein.   Spices like paprika and cayenne pepper can be added to boost your healing.  Drink rooibos and hibiscus tea.  Nutritionally, red foods typically are packed with lots of vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and healthy antioxidants, which are utilized by several body parts that the root chakra oversees, like bones, teeth, skin and adrenals.



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The 2nd chakra is our passion and pleasure centre and governs our emotions, senses, intimacy, creativity, and connection.  It’s located below the navel and communes with our reproductive glands. When your 2nd chakra is balanced you wake up with lots of energy and are able to go throughout your day feeling inspired and creative. You pursue your passions, easily go with the flow and love to have fun.  You are able to form deep intimate relationships while placing high value on your individual needs and requirements. You love and respect your body and feel sensual and comfortable in your own skin. You have a healthy self-care practice and a thriving libido. This chakra is the essence of life as seen in bodily fluids like blood, tears and lymph. An imbalanced sacral chakra can lead to many disturbances, including relationship issues, stifled creativity, lack of motivation, lack of confidence, low back pain, and urinary/reproductive issues.

If you are doubting yourself or feeling unworthy of love, get yourself some oranges and do it fast!  Create some juiciness by eating sweet fruits like oranges, tangerines, mangoes, peaches, apricots, and melons.  Add any food that you can eat in a sensual, playful way.

Vegetables like carrots, squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and yams will all make a big impact on your feelings.  Add spices like turmeric, cumin or cinnamon to give an extra powerful dose of healing power. Since this chakra’s element is water, stay hydrated and drink plenty of water, coconut water, or citrus fruit herbal teas.  Eat high water content foods and think of seafood like wild caught salmon and ocean trout.


3. Solar Plexus Chakra.jpeg

The 3rd chakra represents our personal power. It controls our energy as is related to our willpower, goals, and general purpose. Governed by ambition and action, a balanced 3rd chakra will translate into feelings of inner peace, confidence, and self-control. Physically, the solar plexus supports the digestive system, stomach, liver, metabolism, and our microbiome.  An imbalanced 3rd chakra can cause feelings of insecurity and lack of purpose, as well as stomach issues.

If you are having a hard time standing up for yourself and defending your opinions and ideas try eating some bananas, sweet corn on the cob, fresh pineapple or some yellow peppers and watch how your mood changes.  Yellow is a natural mood enhancer.  Feed this chakra with complex carbohydrates and whole grains such as oats, brown rice, millet, and amaranth to give some slow burning energy that will convert into personal power. These foods provide crucial fibre and sustainable energy. If you find yourself having trouble digesting life, have some chamomile tea or support your liver with some lemon water while you remind yourself – “I am enough.” 


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The 4th chakra is the energy centre in which we feel joy, compassion, and love, not only for others but also for ourselves. It awakens our ability to love and let go, to accept our emotional challenges, and surrender and trust the divine plan.  Physically speaking, this chakra supports our heart, lungs, upper torso, shoulders, hands, and arms. An imbalanced heart chakra can cause feelings of unworthiness, anxiety and heart issues.  You nurture this chakra by finding your passion and following your heart. Having faith, finding ways to express yourself, practicing appreciation, balance giving and receiving and forgiving others and yourself. 

The 4th chakra has a strong connection to nature and plants.  Greens contain an abundance of nutrients and active enzymes to help protect our hearts.  Greens can cool down the fiery energy that the heart can produce and help release and process stuck thoughts and emotions. 

Throw your favourite organic greens in to a juicer or make a gigantic salad and feel what happens to your feelings of stress. Likely they will melt away due to the live enzymes, oxygen and chlorophyll. Organic greens are stress busting powerhouses and can help regulate cortisol and high blood pressure. Foods like kale, broccoli, spinach, chard, dandelion greens, parsley, celery, cucumber, zucchini, matcha, peas, green beans and spirulina provide our bodies with whole, balanced nutrients essential in balancing the 4th chakra.  Limes, green apples, kiwis and avocados will help you feel more contemplative, balanced and conscious.  Use spices like basil, thyme, cilantro and parsley, drink fresh green juice and green tea, make a salad, or start your day with a green smoothie.


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The 5th chakra translates, quite literally, into our ability to express ourselves and to speak. Located in the throat, this chakra focuses on the energy of true expression, intuition, integrity, honesty, and openness. An imbalance in this chakra can cause a blockage of communication, misunderstanding, and a stifled voice. Physically, this chakra supports the neck, throat, jaw, and teeth, and blocked energy can cause issues with sinuses, swollen glands, and neck/shoulder pain.

To balance your throat chakra think of blue foods. Experiencing anxiety? A plum a day may keep the anxiety away. Enjoy a bowl of blueberries or blackberries. They are nutrient dense, lots of vitamin C. They are a particularly good sources of fibre and a powerful antioxidant from the beneficial plant compounds called anthocyanins. Blue foods help to increase the available energy in the kidneys and helps to bring about honest communication. For the 5th chakra, think of healing soothing foods and liquids such as 100% fruit juices and herbal teas.


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The 6th chakra is the third-eye or the brow chakra. This chakra, located on the forehead between our eyes, literally translates into “to perceive.” Known as being the centre of wisdom, this chakra’s element is light. A balanced 6th chakra allows us to see clearly, focus, and trust our own intuitions. The chakra’s energy stems from our purpose, ability to grow, and desire to constantly learn. An imbalanced 6th chakra can lead to feeling a lack of direction or purpose in our life. Located just above your eyebrows in the centre of your forehead it physically supports the frontal sinuses, ears, and eyes. An imbalance in this chakra can cause tension headaches, blurry vision, coordination/balance problems, and sleep disturbances.

For this chakra, think purple to help unwind your energies and bring you peace if you are feeling confused or unable to think clearly. Eating concord grapes, goji berries, acai will supply you with megadoses of nutrients optimizing the function of your third-eye chakra.   Foods like eggplant, purple kale, purple carrots and purple cabbage will help to bring you tranquility and calm!

Also include cacao, which is rich in flavonoids and boosts serotonin, while helping to relieve stress and inflammation. These “brain foods” can instantly help clear an overworked mind and help you regain focus.  Whip up a fresh smoothie with your favourite purple foods!



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Last on our list is the 7th chakra or the crown chakra. This chakra represents oneness, truth, spirituality, and knowing. It is located at the top of the head and pulls down the “yang” supporting energies from the cosmos.  Highly spiritual, this chakra is about self-realization and the connection of the world around us. It focuses on seeking wisdom and joy and understanding. It radiates an energy dedicated to peace, faith, trust and gratitude for our lives. An imbalanced crown chakra can bring about feelings of confusion, disconnection, and insignificance. It also commonly causes disorders of the central nervous system or headaches, depression, and sensitivity to light.

White foods like garlic, ginger, onion, lychee, and coconut can help give you strength and power. If you are feeling defeated or down on yourself then enjoy some healthy white foods and experience a surge in your own inner strength. In general though, the 7th chakra focuses more on fasting and detoxing than it does on food. It concentrates more on the spiritual aspect of our bodies, and minds. Detoxing can help our bodies flush out toxins, boost our energy, and clear our mind. Meditation and yoga are excellent ways to strengthen and heal the crown chakra. It can teach us to live mindfully and take some quiet, peaceful time for ourselves amidst our chaotic lives.

Enjoy a chakra healing diet and eat foods that give out those good vibrations to keep your energy system free flowing. Tasting a rainbow might be the key to keeping your body, mind, and spirit in alignment.

Love Becca